Janet Herman, LMT
Therapeutic Massage-Reiki-Relief Through Rolling

Reiki Healing

Reiki ("RAY-key") is an ancient form of hands-on healing that means "Universal Life Force".  This life force, known commonly as "Chi" (CHEE), flows throughout our body, giving us life. When the flow of Chi, is free-flowing and high, you feel energized, enthusiastic, and healthy.  If Chi becomes blocked or depleted, such as by stress, poor choices, or life's challenges, your body doesn't function or heal as effectively, and you may feel sluggish or depressed, and be more susceptible to illness. 

Reiki stimulates a persons natural healing abilities, and works on the body, mind and spirit.  Reiki Practitioners have received training and attunements passed on from a Reiki Master to enhance the ability to attract Chi through their body and into yours.  They do this by placing their hands on or several inches above your clothed body, keeping them there for a period of time before moving to another area.  This life force energy then goes to where it is needed most for healing and renewal.  Many, if not all, people report feeling extraordinarily relaxed during and after receiving Reiki. Click below to learn more.

Click HERE for a quick 3 minute overview of Reiki.

Click HERE for a more thorough explanation of Reiki.

Click HERE for The Center for Reiki Research, which analyzes and summarizes research studies about Reiki to make it easier for the general public to understand.

Please contact me if you have questions or would like more information.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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